LGPL 3.0
Commercial Use (Describes the ability to use the software for commercial purposes.)
Modify (Describes the ability to modify the software and create derivatives.)
Distribute (Describes the ability to distribute original or modified (derivative) works.)
Place Warranty (Describes the ability to place warranty on the software licensed.)
Use Patent Claims (Describes the rights to practice patent claims of contributors to the code.)
can do
Hold Liable (Describes the warranty and if the software/license owner can be charged for damages.)
Sublicense (The LGPL prohibits sublicensing, yet each user that receives the software automatically has the right to run, modify and distribute the work.)
can NOT do
Include Copyright (Describes whether the original copyright must be retained.)
Include License (Including the full text of license in modified software.)
State Changes (Stating significant changes made to software.)
Disclose Source (If you distribute this library in an executable, you must make the source available for 3 years.)
Include Install Instructions (If the software is part of a consumer device, you must include the installation information necessary to modify and reinstall the software.)
Include Original (Describes whether copies of the original software or instructions to obtain copies must be distributed with the software.)